Using the Customer Journey to Guide Your SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an increasingly important tool for businesses to reach their target audiences and maximize their online visibility. With the right strategy, businesses can create a successful SEO campaign that will bring them more customers and leads. However, it is important to understand how the customer journey can guide SEO efforts to ensure maximum success.

The customer journey is the path taken by an individual customer or potential customer as they learn about, explore, and purchase a product or service. As SEO strategies evolve, understanding the customer journey has become increasingly important. It allows businesses to create an SEO campaign that is tailored to their customer’s needs and interests. This article will provide a guide on how the customer journey can be used to guide SEO efforts.

Understanding the Typical Customer Journey

The first step in using the customer journey to guide SEO is to understand the typical stages of the customer journey. While each customer’s journey is unique, there are typically five stages. These include:

1. Awareness: During this stage, customers become aware of a product or service and begin to learn more about it.

2. Consideration: Customers explore their options and compare different products or services.

3. Evaluation: Here, customers narrow down their choices and make a decision.

4. Purchase: During this stage, customers make a purchase.

5. Retention: Customers use the product or service and may become loyal customers.

Using the Customer Journey to Guide SEO

Once you understand the customer journey, you can begin to use it to guide your SEO efforts. Here are five ways to do so:

1. Understanding Customer Intent

The first step in any SEO campaign is understanding the customer’s intent. This involves getting an understanding of the customer’s needs, interests, and motivations. Understanding customer intent can help businesses to create content that is tailored to their target audience. This can help businesses to create content that is more likely to be clicked on and shared.

2. Creating Targeted Content

Once businesses understand the customer’s intent, they can create content that is tailored to their target audience. This can include creating content that answers the customer’s questions and provides helpful information. Creating targeted content can also help businesses to ensure that their content is optimized for the right keywords and phrases.

3. Optimizing for the Right Keywords

Businesses should also ensure that their content is optimized for the right keywords and phrases. This involves researching the keywords and phrases that are most relevant to their target audience. This ensures that their content is more likely to be found by their target audience.

4. Creating a Personalized User Experience

Creating a personalized user experience is another way to ensure that customers are more likely to engage with a business’s content. This involves creating content that is tailored to the customer’s interests and needs. It also involves providing helpful information that is easy to find and navigate.

5. Leveraging User-Generated Content (UGC)

Finally, businesses should leverage user-generated content to engage their target audience further. This involves encouraging customers to review and share their experiences with the business. This can help businesses to create a more personalized user experience and build trust with their customers.


The customer journey is an essential part of SEO that should not be overlooked. Understanding the different stages of the journey and how customers interact with your website provides valuable insight into how to optimize your SEO efforts. 

By considering the customer journey when developing your SEO strategy, you can ensure that your website is optimized for search engines and for customers, resulting in improved website visibility, engagement, and conversions. 

Additionally, understanding the customer journey can help you identify opportunities to provide content that meets the needs of the customers at each stage of the journey, improving the overall customer experience.

If you are looking for marketing companies in Calgary, In Front Marketing is for you! We understand the needs of businesses, so we provide comprehensive marketing solutions to ensure you get ahead of the competition. Mail us today at [email protected] and allow us to help build your strategy!

Making the Transition From Traditional to Digital

The shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses reach and engage with their audience. Gone are the days when traditional media was the main source of traffic for businesses. 

Today, digital marketing enables personalized consumer experiences, which are essential for the success of your business. While traditional marketing tactics can still play a role in your marketing strategy, it’s important to recognize that digital marketing is now at the forefront of reaching and engaging with your target audience. Don’t get left behind – embrace the power of digital marketing to drive your business forward.

As a business, it can be intimidating to adapt to the constantly evolving landscape of digital marketing. Platforms and strategies are constantly changing, leaving even the most seasoned professionals feeling uncertain.

In Front Marketings Process to Transforming Your Traditional Marketing Tactics To Digital

But don’t let this deter you – the digital world is full of opportunities for your career and business. If you’re considering making the switch from traditional to digital marketing, or simply want to upskill, this blog will provide you with an overview and help you identify your transferable skills.

Digital marketing has fundamentally changed the way we interact with our potential customers, giving them more control over how they consume advertising. Technology like artificial intelligence and virtual reality are becoming increasingly prevalent in marketing campaigns, and it may seem like everything is moving too quickly to keep up with. But with the right mindset and determination, you can thrive in this exciting and dynamic industry.

Website – Your Digital Powerhouse & Presence

First and foremost, take a good look at your website. It should be the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy. It’s the hub of your online presence and where customers learn more about your company and what you offer. Make sure your website is up-to-date, mobile-friendly, and optimized for search engines.

It’s also a good idea to add high-quality, valuable content to your website on a regular basis. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, or other types of media that provide information or entertainment to your target audience. By consistently adding new content to your website, you can improve its ranking in search results and keep visitors engaged.

Are you aware of who’s engaging with your content? 🤔⁣⁣

If not, then #infrontyyc has the solution for you. Our innovative audience profiling allows you to identify and understand your target audience’s wants, needs, and interests.⁣⁣

Do You Know Your Audience? 

Next, it’s important to understand your audience. Analyze your current customer base and create buyer personas to get a better understanding of their needs and interests. This will help you create effective digital marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

To build out this idea, you could consider the following:

  1. Conduct market research: This can include surveys, focus groups, or online analytics tools to gather data on your audience.
  2. Define your buyer personas: Use the information you gather from your market research to create detailed profiles of your ideal customers. Be sure to include information about their demographics, pain points, goals, and interests.
  3. Use this information to create targeted campaigns: Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you can use this information to create digital marketing campaigns that are tailored to their needs and interests. This can include email marketing campaigns, social media ads, or targeted content on your website.
  4. Monitor and adjust your campaigns: As you run your campaigns, be sure to track their performance and make adjustments as needed. This can help you fine-tune your marketing efforts and ensure that you are reaching your target audience effectively.

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Look At Your Local Listings – What Do You See?

Make sure your business is listed in all the local directories, such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Bing Places. These directories will help customers find your business and provide important information about your services and location.

Here are a few additional points you can include:

  1. Claim your business listings: In addition to the directories mentioned, there may be other local or industry-specific directories that are relevant to your business. Be sure to claim your listings on these platforms and provide accurate and up-to-date information about your business.
  2. Add photos and videos: Visual content can help attract potential customers to your listings and give them a better sense of what your business has to offer. Consider adding photos of your products or services, as well as videos that showcase your business in action.
  3. Encourage reviews: Customer reviews can be a powerful marketing tool, as they provide social proof of the quality of your business. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your local business listings.
  4. Optimize your listings: Be sure to include relevant keywords in your business descriptions and titles, as well as in any categories or tags. This can help improve the visibility of your listings in search results.
  5. Monitor and manage your listings: Regularly check your local business listings to make sure the information is accurate and up-to-date. You should also respond to any customer reviews or inquiries in a timely and professional manner.

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Customer Insights Speak Volumes – Can You Decipher Your Data?

Use customer data to gain valuable insights into how your customers interact with your digital marketing campaigns. This will help you understand which channels are most effective, what content resonates with customers, and what strategies need to be optimized.

Here are a few additional points you can consider:

  1. Set specific goals for your campaigns: Before you start collecting customer data, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. This could include goals like increasing website traffic, improving conversions, or generating leads.
  2. Use analytics tools: There are a variety of tools available that can help you track and analyze customer data. For example, Google Analytics is a popular choice that provides insights into website traffic, demographics, geography and customer behavior.
  3. Collect data from multiple sources: There are many different ways that customers can interact with your digital marketing campaigns, so it’s important to track data from multiple sources. This could include website analytics, email marketing metrics, social media analytics, and more.
  4. Analyze the data: Once you have collected data from your campaigns, it’s important to take the time to analyze it and draw insights. Look for trends and patterns in the data, and use this information to inform your marketing strategies.
  5. Use the insights to optimize your campaigns: Based on the insights you gain from your customer data, you can make adjustments to your campaigns to improve their effectiveness. This could include optimizing your website for conversions, creating more targeted email marketing campaigns, or adjusting your social media strategy.

Here at In Front Marketing, we take the time to understand your customer insights.

The transition to digital marketing can seem daunting. But don’t worry; we got you.⁣⁣

Let us help you make this journey easier by providing #socialmedia advice tailored to your needs. 🤩 🤓

Get familiar with the basics of digital marketing and understand how #brandname can help you succeed in this age of ever-evolving technology.⁣⁣

Discover the potential of social media marketing and the successful strategies that will propel your traditional business into a modern digital presence. Make sure to use #brandname for tips and tricks.

Advice On Social Media

Choose the right social media channels for your business. Different channels appeal to different audiences, so it’s important to choose the ones that are most relevant to your target market. For example, Instagram is great for visual businesses, whereas Twitter is great for customer service.

Here are a few additional points to consider:

  1. Determine your goals: Before you decide which social media channels to use, it’s important to know what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? Knowing your goals will help you determine which channels are most appropriate for your business.
  2. Research your target audience: Look at your customer demographics and behaviors to get an idea of which social media platforms they are most likely to use. This will help you narrow down your options.
  3. Evaluate the features of each platform: Each social media channel has its own unique features and capabilities, so it’s important to consider how these align with your business goals and target audience. For example, Instagram is known for its visual content, whereas LinkedIn is geared more towards professional networking.
  4. Consider your resources: Managing multiple social media channels can be time-consuming, so be sure to consider the resources you have available before committing to a particular platform. It’s better to do a few channels well rather than spreading yourself too thin.
  5. Experiment and track your results: It’s okay to try out different channels and see what works best for your business. Be sure to track your results and make adjustments as needed.

For a further look into what social media strategy works best for your business, check out this article or reach out to one of our social team members now – Tarila Uti or Robyn Jenks.

Looking for something? Tired of scrolling endlessly through your search results page? We’ve got the perfect solution! #infrontyyc Power of Search is here to save the day.

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Content – Launching the Power of Search

Learn the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that customers can easily find your website. SEO involves optimizing your website content with the right keywords and phrases and your website’s design and structure.

Here are a few additional points to consider:

  1. Research keywords: Identify the keywords and phrases that your target audience is using to search for businesses like yours. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords and see how much traffic they are getting.
  2. Optimize your website’s content: Use the keywords you’ve researched to optimize your website’s pages and blog posts. This includes the titles, headings, and body content of your pages. Be sure to use the keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.
  3. Use header tags: Header tags (H1, H2, etc.) help search engines understand the hierarchy of your content and give your pages an SEO boost. Be sure to use them appropriately and include your target keywords in at least one of your header tags.
  4. Optimize your website’s design and structure: In addition to the content on your website, the design and structure can also impact your SEO. This includes things like the loading speed of your pages, the use of internal and external links, and the organization of your content.
  5. Monitor and track your results: Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website’s performance in search results and see how your SEO efforts are paying off. Make adjustments as needed to improve your ranking.

In order to improve your website’s search engine ranking, it’s important to research and use relevant keywords, optimize your website’s content and design, and use header tags. It’s also crucial to track your results and make adjustments as needed. 

Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and Google Analytics can help you with this process. Our Digital Marketing Strategist, Ash, is an expert in ensuring your data does the talking. 

Content Creation for Your Customer Segment

Create engaging content that is interesting and relevant to your target audience. Use various content types, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics, to provide value to your customers.

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for driving website traffic and conversions. Use it to nurture leads and convert them into customers. Include a link to your website in each email to drive traffic to your site.

Here are some additional ideas for building more content around the concept of creating engaging and relevant content for your target audience and using email marketing to drive traffic and conversions:

  • Create a list of tips for creating engaging content, such as using compelling headlines, incorporating visuals, and using storytelling techniques.
  • Write a case study about a company that successfully used email marketing to increase website traffic and conversions. Include details about their email strategy and the results they achieved.
  • Create an infographic that visually explains the process of creating and implementing an effective email marketing campaign.
  • Make a video tutorial showing how to use a specific email marketing platform or tool, such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact.
  • Write a blog post discussing the importance of segmenting your email list and providing personalized content to different groups of subscribers.
  • Create a downloadable guide or template that helps with your businesses plan and execute an email marketing campaign.
  • Write a post comparing different email marketing platforms and outlining the pros and cons of each one.
  • Create a quiz or interactive quiz that helps businesses determine the best email marketing strategy for your customers needs. 

To create an effective online presence and increase website traffic and conversions, it is important for businesses to create engaging and relevant content for their target audience. This can be done through various content types, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics. 

Email marketing is also a powerful tool for driving traffic and conversions, and can be used to nurture leads and convert them into customers. To optimize the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, businesses can use segmentation to personalize content for different groups of subscribers, utilize A/B testing to improve performance, and avoid common mistakes. 

Businesses can also benefit from creating tutorials, case studies, and other resources that help them plan and execute successful email marketing campaigns.

Digital Advertising – Data Done Right The First Time

Paid ads, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, can effectively reach your target audience. However, it’s important to ensure that your ads are relevant and targeted to the right people. Monitor your ad performance regularly to make sure you’re getting the most out of your budget.

Using paid ads can be a highly effective way for businesses to reach their target audience and increase website traffic and conversions. By carefully selecting the right platforms and targeting the right people, businesses can maximize the effectiveness of their ad spend and get the most out of their budget.

One of the major benefits of using paid ads is the ability to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. This can be especially useful for businesses looking to promote a new product or service, or for those looking to drive traffic to their website during a specific promotion or event.

Another benefit of paid ads is the ability to target specific demographics and interests. This allows businesses to ensure that their ads are being seen by the people most likely to be interested in their products or services.

It’s important to monitor the performance of paid ads regularly to ensure that they are meeting their goals and delivering a positive return on investment. By analyzing data such as click-through rates and conversion rates, businesses can make adjustments to their ad campaigns to improve their performance and get the best results.

Overall, paid ads can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to reach their target audience and drive traffic and conversions. By carefully selecting the right platforms and targeting the right people, and by monitoring and optimizing ad performance, businesses can get the most out of their ad spend and achieve their marketing goals.

Our Expert Summary 

Ultimately, moving from traditional to digital marketing is a great way to reach a larger, more diverse audience. With the many different platforms available, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to their target audience, allowing for more effective advertising and a higher return on investment. If you’re looking to step up your marketing game and reach more potential customers, digital marketing is the way to go.

Here at In Front Marketing, we’re the best marketing consultants in Calgary. We’re a results-driven firm that is focused on clarity, confidence, and client satisfaction. If you’re ready to get started with digital marketing, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Building Content that Speaks to Industry Authority

Content authority is the ability to influence the decisions that your audience makes about what to read, watch, and buy, based on your knowledge and expertise in the topic. Building content authority is important because it helps to establish trust and credibility with your audience. This can lead to increasing the likelihood that they will share your content with others.

In this article, we will explore several ways to build content authority.

These include:

  • Writing compelling headlines
  • Making your content easy to read
  • Creating useful and informative content
  • Sharing your content on social media
  • Reaching out to influencers
  • Speaking at conferences and events
  • Creating an ebook or online course
  • Making guest appearances on podcasts and webinars

BANG – Capture the Attention with Killer Headlines

One key way to build content authority is to write compelling headlines that grab the attention of your audience. Headlines should be clear, to the point, and use power words, numbers, and emotions to draw readers in.

In addition to strong headlines, you should also make sure that your content is easy to read. This means breaking up your text into small paragraphs. We use subheadings, and incorporating images and videos to make your content more visually appealing.

Your headline is the first thing that people see when they come across your content, so it’s important to make it count. Use action verbs and incorporate keywords to make your headline attention-grabbing and informative. For more tips on writing compelling headlines, check out this article from Neil Patel.

Priceless Value for Your Customers

Another important aspect of building content authority is creating useful and informative content. Your content should be well-researched and accurate, and should aim to help your readers solve problems or learn something new.

Sharing your content on social media is also an effective way to promote your content and reach a larger audience. You should share your content on all major social media platforms, as well as niche platforms related to your industry.

Offer practical advice, share your expertise, and provide valuable resources that your customers can use. This will help establish your credibility and build trust with your audience. As Forbes states, the importance of providing value is key

Hello – Networking with Influencers

One way to reach even more people is by reaching out to influencers. These individuals have a large following who can help promote your content. You can connect with influencers through emails, direct messages, or social media.

Understanding the importance of networking with influencers in your industry can assist you in gaining exposure. 

One Ticket Please – Attend Events

In addition to reaching out to influencers, you can also build your content authority by speaking at conferences and events. This allows you to reach new audiences and demonstrate your expertise in your field.These benefits can apply to your business in so many ways. 

Attending events in your industry can be a great way to network, learn from other thought leaders, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Look for conferences, trade shows, and other events that are relevant to your industry and make an effort to attend as many as possible.

Download these Resources Now & Register

Creating an ebook or online course is another way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. This also provides valuable information to your audience in different formats. Finally, making guest appearances on podcasts and webinars is an effective way to promote your content. We can then reach new audiences, while also showcasing your expertise.

By following these tips, you can effectively build content authority and establish yourself as a trusted source of information in your industry. This will help you to reach a larger audience and ultimately drive more traffic to your website.

Building Authority Using Valuable Content, Speaking & Events, Headlines, and More.
Building Authority Using Valuable Content, Speaking & Events, Headlines, and More.

Meet with Us Now

Let us become your marketing partner that it is here to help you with your business. Dont wait – contact In Front Marketing today. We’re a digital marketing agency that specializes in content marketing in Calgary.

We help businesses reach their goals by posting high-quality content on their websites and social media platforms. Reach out to us today to get started!

5 Tips to Help You Build a Multi-Channel PPC Strategy

At In Front Marketing, we understand the importance of a multi-channel PPC strategy for achieving success in digital marketing. By utilizing multiple channels, such as search engine marketing, display ads, and social media campaigns, you can effectively advertise your product or service and reach a wider audience. 

A multi-channel PPC strategy can also help increase conversions and ultimately achieve your marketing goals. In this article, we will share five tips to help you create a successful multi-channel PPC strategy with In Front Marketing.

  1. Understand Your Audience:

Before you develop a multi-channel PPC strategy, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. You should know who they are, what their interests are, and where they are located. This information will help you determine which channels to use and what type of content to create. For example, if your target audience is young adults, you may want to consider using platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, which are popular among this demographic. 

Alternatively, if you’re targeting a more general audience, channels like Facebook and Google AdWords may be more effective. These platforms allow you to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring that your message reaches the right people. You now have 3 or seconds or less to capture the users attention…….. Go! 

  1. Create a Comprehensive Budget:

Once you have a good understanding of your target audience, you should create a comprehensive budget that includes the cost of each channel, estimated conversions, and any other associated costs. This will help you allocate your budget effectively. Collaborating on knowledge acquired during your campaign is crucial, as everyone approaches this different. What does your budget mean to you, based on these results

  1. Use Different Channels:

Once you have identified the channels you want to use, you should create campaigns for each one. This involves creating separate campaigns for each channel, tailoring the content to that channel’s audience, and setting up tracking and reporting.

  1. Test and Optimize:

In order to get the best results from your PPC campaign, it’s essential to constantly test different elements and make adjustments. You can test different ad copy to see which version performs better, or test different targeting options to see which audience is most responsive. 

Keep in mind that there is no “perfect” campaign, and you should always be testing and making adjustments to get the best results.

  1. Analyze and Adjust:

As you create and launch your marketing campaigns, you should pay close attention to the results you’re seeing. If your campaigns aren’t performing as well as you’d hoped, you may need to adjust your budget, targeting, or ad copy. In using Google Analytics, our team can use this data to market appropriately while including the above into your strategy. 

You should also take a close look at which channels are performing the best, and consider increasing your investment in those channels if you’re seeing strong results. By analyzing and adjusting your campaigns, you can ensure that they are as successful as possible.

  1. Setting up G4 & Acquiring Conversions:

Last but not least, it is important to set up conversions in Google Analytics 4 and optimize towards them in order to properly measure your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Working with a partner with experience in the field, such as In Front Marketing, can also be beneficial for your campaigns and overall marketing efforts. By setting up conversions and optimizing towards them, you can ensure that your multi-channel PPC strategy is successful in helping your business thrive in the digital world.

That is a Wrap!

In conclusion, a multi-channel PPC strategy can help you reach a wider audience, increase conversions, and achieve your marketing goals. By understanding your audience, creating a comprehensive budget, using different channels, testing and optimizing, and analyzing and adjusting your campaigns, you can create a successful multi-channel PPC strategy. 

Remember to work with a partner, like In Front Marketing that has experience in the field, as this can greatly benefit your campaigns and overall marketing efforts. With the right approach and a bit of effort and dedication, you can create a multi-channel PPC strategy that helps your business thrive in the digital world.

Top Mistakes to Watch Out For When Using Google Ads

In digital advertising, there is always something new to learn, adapt, and adjust to. This could be many things as well as tasks, such as investing in a new platform, evaluating traffic and conversions, learning the function of algorithms, managing third-party cookies, or dealing with machine learning. Beyond that, it could also be learning how to use Google Ads in a smart way.

Read on to discover the top mistakes to watch out for when using Google Ads.

Sticking to ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend)

Marketers now have access to more data than ever before. When evaluating digital marketing initiatives, most advertisers focus on rudimentary indicators rather than the full picture.

The vast majority of e-commerce advertisers optimize their media expenditure and create ROI-based programs, such as the ROAS. This is a typical method, but it has serious drawbacks.

Marketing is an investment.

ROAS refers to the technique of optimizing your media spending for maximum revenue rather than profit. Simply sticking to ROAS, however, will hinder you from paying attention to business-related metrics and understanding them. Moving from ROAS to Future Margin on Ad Spend will provide you with a more thorough view and help us evaluate each bid, placement, and so on.

Ignoring the Audience

Keywords tell us what people are searching for, what they want, and what you can give. However, the people must come first, not keywords. Audiences, after all, are not a replacement for keywords, but they can help improve campaign results when they are refined and targeted correctly. 

Personas exercises will help establish your target audience.

Not Embracing New Technologies

Google is continuously growing to be a black box for machine learning. This means that as we rely on Google, we will have less and less direct control over budgeting, intelligent bidding, responsive ads, intelligent shopping, and keyword selection. Embracing this digital transformation is one of the benefits of a successful marketing strategy.

We can’t stop machine learning; when managing our own or our clients’ budgets, we must remember that we live in this landscape. As such, to stay ahead of the competition, we must accept change and capitalize on trends. This will be a fantastic opportunity because the majority of advertisers either embrace machine learning and are obsessed with everything AI-related, or they refuse to accept its dominance.

Not Assessing or Reviewing Data

Data from Facebook and Google alone are insufficient. However, the question isn’t just whether we can trust Facebook or Google totally.

Because we rely on ad platform data, we lack a comprehensive system for monitoring user experience across platforms and devices, as well as a single source of truth.

With all these inconsistencies present, it is critical to optimize. The integration of diverse systems into a single, impartial view improves optimization.

Successful Marketing Strategies - what are your goals for organic growth?

Trusting Only in Google’s Algorithms

Nowadays, everyone is using the same algorithms. Algorithms reduce competitiveness, blurring the lines between one advertiser from the next. As such, each advertiser can click to use the other advertiser’s algorithm.

The best way to “beat” the algorithm is to engage in bidding models, ad engine testing, and algorithms are becoming commodities.

The secret ingredient is data, which is used to power algorithms. The majority of the world is obsessed with the idea of “let me use a smarter algorithm,” yet this is not the goal.

Algorithms will be a commodity in two years, and we will know that they are nothing more than a formula whose math is fed by the data we provide it.

Use Only Third-Party Information

Google has stated that third-party cookies will be limited, which may have an impact on specific industries. Such “cookie limits” will change the game; therefore, we can’t rely on cookies and tracking technologies as we know them.

Because all advertisers will use the same algorithms, first-party data will assist us in distinguishing ourselves from the competitors.


Digital advertising today is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. After all, we are currently living in a modern and fast-paced world. 

Indeed, we are being called to adapt to this era that calls for expertise in Google Ads, among others. By being knowledgeable of the top Google Ads mistakes to look out for and avoid, you can expect to perform better than your competitors.

In Front Marketing offers premium Google Ads services in Calgary to help you grow your brand and business. Work with us today to learn more!

A Quick Guide to Content Advertising: What You Need to Know

Content advertising is a way to supplement your organic reach by paying to promote your content. This can be done through platforms like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads. The advantage of this over native advertising is that it allows you to specifically target people who are interested in the type of content you have to offer. If you are looking to gain more knowledge about content advertising and how to use it in your marketing strategy, this is the right article for you!

A Quick Guide to Content Advertising: What You Need to Know

If you are a neophyte marketer looking to gain an edge over the competition, content advertising may be what you’ve been looking for. Before anything else, how is content advertising defined?

What is Content Advertising?

Content advertising is a powerful online marketing tool that can help promote your product or service. By creating compelling and informative content, you can drive traffic to your website or landing page and generate leads or sales.

There are various ways to create content for content advertising, such as blog posts, infographics, videos, or e-books. The key is to create content that is interesting and useful to your target audience.

When creating content, be sure to keep the following in mind:

1. Write for your target audience.

2. Make your content informative and helpful.

3. Use keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for.

4. Promote your content through social media and other online channels.

By following these tips, you can create content that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

What are the Advantages of Content Advertising?

There are several advantages to using content advertising as part of your marketing strategy. First, it can be an effective way to reach a large audience. This is because you can promote your content on various platforms, such as social media, search engines, and even email.

In addition, content advertising can be an effective way to build brand awareness and credibility. This is because you can provide valuable information to your target audience that they can use to make informed decisions about your product or service.

Finally, content advertising can be a cost-effective way to generate leads and sales. This is because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This means that you only pay for results, which can save you a significant amount of money over time.

What Do You Need to Know Before You Start?

Before you start using content advertising, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you must ensure that your content is high quality and relevant to your target audience. This means that it should be well-written, informative, and engaging.

In addition, you need to make sure that your content is properly optimized for search engines. This means using keywords throughout your content so that it appears in search results when people are looking for information related to your product or service.

Finally, you need to ensure that you are using the right platform to promote your content. This means choosing a platform that has a large audience and that allows you to target your potential customers.


Content marketing can be an extremely effective way to promote your business and attract new customers. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that there are a few things you need to do to ensure that your content is successful. If you get the hang of content advertising, you will be well on your way to creating successful content marketing campaigns that will help you attract new customers and grow your business.

If you are looking for help with content advertising in Calgary, come to In Front Marketing. We are a results-driven Calgary advertising agency that is centred around clarity, confidence, and client satisfaction. Get in touch with us today!

5 Differences Between Copywriting and Content Writing Online

Running a website requires more than excellent optimization to rank on search engine results. It also needs high-quality content to attract more users to read, visit, or explore the websites containing information for products and services. But what is content creation?

Content creation is the process of developing and curating content for distribution. It can take many forms, including blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more. However, content writing and copywriting are the more popular forms. But which one’s better? Read on to learn more.

1. Purpose

Content writing is more focused on a brand’s message. The purpose is to engage the audience and educate them about the brand. It also contains specific information people may look for about the products and services offered by businesses.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is more focused on the user. The purpose is to sell the product or service and convince the user to buy or use it. It also uses more engaging and descriptive words to attract potential customers to secure a sale.

2. Length

Content writers create longer articles that are more informative. The length can range from a few hundred to a few thousand words. It is also more engaging and informative than a sales pitch. Content length also influences search result rankings, helping websites do well.

Copywriting is shorter and more to the point, and the length can range from a few sentences to a few paragraphs. Sometimes, it only uses phrases at most. It also uses persuasive and compelling words to convince the user to act on the offer.

3. Emotion

Content writing is more emotional, informative, and engaging. It’s designed to make people feel something, connect with the audience, and make them like and trust the brand. It is more about providing value and engaging with users.

Copywriting is more about making people act. It is designed to make people buy something, sign up for something, or be aware of something. Copywriting ensures every word is straightforward, highlighting the benefits of buying or subscribing to the product or service.

4. Tone

Content writing is more relaxed and informal because it builds relationships and connects with the audience. Think of the tone in content writing as more like a conversation. Readers should feel like they learn new things from friends or people they trust.

Copywriting is more formal and persuasive because it is designed to convince the audience to buy or subscribe to something. The tone is more like a sales pitch or an advertisement, ensuring customers will get the best deal possible once they support the company.

5. Call to Action

Content writing is more informative and educational, helping the audience understand what they need to know. The call to action focuses on helping the audience solve their problem. In a way, it ensures readers the help they can receive from the company.

Copywriting is more persuasive and is designed to get the audience to buy a product or subscribe to a service. The call to action focuses on getting the audience to support the company. It usually prompts readers to purchase or subscribe to something.


Copywriting and content writing are both critical for businesses. They are two distinct writing styles that can help companies to achieve their goals. The important thing is to know when to use each of them.

Content writing is more informative and educational. It helps the audience understand what they need to know. Copywriting is more persuasive and is designed to get the audience to buy a product or subscribe to a service.
In Front Marketing is a marketing agency based in Calgary. We specialize in content advertising, helping clients reach their goals by posting high-quality content on websites and social media platforms. Learn more about our process from our marketing strategists in Calgary by booking an appointment on our website today.

5 Benefits of Launching a Company Website for Businesses

Launching a company website allows businesses to expand beyond physical stores. Websites open opportunities for growth, reaching a new audience, and/or building a new audience. It can also help companies to build their brand and create a professional image. These are all very key components to a digital strategy in the marketing world.

Building a website can be a lot of work, yet it’s worth it if you want to challenge improvements and expansions in business. What are the benefits of launching a company website for businesses, you ask? Here are some ideas based on what we have found in Q4 of 2022:

1. Drives Traffic

One of the most important reasons businesses should launch a company website is that it can drive the business’s traffic. A website can be a great marketing tool, helping companies to reach new and potential customers. When considering traffic, there is both organic and paid traffic – there is a very distinct difference. Understanding your website’s intent and current score should be evaluated to see where the largest opportunity is for your business. 

If you are considering launching a website for your business, you should keep a few things in mind, such as starting with a clear purpose. Once you have a clear intent, you can start developing your website design and your content. 

2. Converts Leads to Sales

Another reason businesses launch company websites are because they can turn leads into sales. They are a great way to showcase products and services and encourage customers to purchase, serving as a platform where customers can learn more about the brand.

A few variables to consider when evaluating as a consumer:

Loading Time – does the website show up right away?

Navigation – is the website easy to use?

Intent – does it serve the purpose of  your audience?

Design – Is the layout clear and concise? Does the text makes sense?

Reliability – Does the website show up properly? 

Current – Content and all security are updated frequently

A website can also help you establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Companies can establish themselves as thought leader when they provide insightful and helpful information. As a result, it can help you attract more leads and convert them into customers.

Examples of trust factors for an audience:

Consumer Reports

Reviews and/or Case Studies 



Social Media Channels – Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat

Engagement – contact us form, chat widgets, and accessibility

3. Boosts Social Media Engagements

Another reason businesses launch company websites are because they can boost social media engagements. By including social media buttons or links on the website, companies can make it easy for visitors to like, share or follow their social media accounts.

Remember, the audience wants to engage for an intent. As businesses, we need to ensure that our intent is clear and our consumers can acquire an answer to the query they have. Every form of interaction should serve a purpose. 

By increasing social media engagement, businesses can build relationships with current and potential customers, generate brand awareness, boost loyalty, and drive sales and leads. Using social media along with a company website should double down on results. 

4. Improves Link Building

Link building is an essential aspect of SEO. It involves getting links from other websites to your website. The more links you have, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages. There are a few different ways to go about link building and this needs to be strategically considered. 

A way to build links is to create high-quality content that other website owners want to link to, such as a blog post, infographic, or video. Other website owners will likely relate to it if you can create precious content. 

See the common theme? What is the value you are providing to your audience? This will assist in creating a backlink strategy to align with your content marketing. 

5. Solidifies Brand Reputation

Content marketing is a great way to build your brand reputation. By creating quality content, you can show your audience that you’re an expert in your field. It will help you build up trust with your audience, as it should have value. If you can build trust with your audience, they’ll be more likely to do business with you. 

This does not happen overnight – trust takes time and consistency! 

Websites can become the platform to launch content marketing campaigns. People will associate your brand with quality and trust if they see your brand appearing on search results pages. Over time, this can solidify your brand reputation and help your business gain more customers.

quote about trust


Launching a company website can become beneficial for businesses. In today’s day and age, people will always try to find information online. Therefore, having a website where they can search for the information they need should help businesses get ahead of others.

On the other hand, having a website should also help businesses convert leads to sales. Launching a company website can significantly improve the business’s visibility, save money, and collect valuable customer data.

If you are uncertain if your website needs work, feel free to check out our take on Website Redesigns & Rebuilds

In Front Marketing is an advertising agency based in Calgary helping businesses establish and expand their reach online. We aim to promote companies and help them dominate their niche through content advertising. Our team of marketing strategists should design a campaign to target a specific audience and bring the client’s products and services forward. Inquire on our website or book an appointment today.

5 Factors to Consider in Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

Finding the ideal content marketing agency for a business is a tricky task. Aside from the services offered, people should also consider several factors before working with the chosen company. However, which aspects should brands think about when choosing the ideal digital marketing agency for their needs? Here are some ideas:

1. Accessibility

The first factor that people should look for in a content marketing agency is accessibility. The factor does not only refer to the agency’s office being in the same area or close to the company’s location. But instead, the agency should also be easy to reach via phone and email. Our account managers are here to ensure your needs are executed in a timely manner, with your customers top of mind. 

The agency should also have a straightforward website with a list of services. Having a website accessible to potential clients makes it easier for them to find the help they need. Meanwhile, the agency should also be able to provide a list of contact details for easier transactions.

digital world

2. Cost-Effectiveness

Cost is another critical factor that people should look for in a content marketing agency. There are a lot of agencies out there that promise to deliver quality services at a reasonable price. On the other hand, getting charged for expensive services doesn’t automatically mean better results. 

However, businesses should also be cautious when selecting an agency. It’s important to check if the agency is worth the investment as there are companies that look good on paper but do not translate to their output. Portfolios or Case Studies area great place to review, as this will show you what the agency is capable of and the results behind their services. People should also compare the price between different agencies, along with what is included in the package. 

cost per leads

3. Return on Investment

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and drive profitable customer action. This can be done in a muiltitude of ways, as each agency has a different approach to ROI. In understanding what your business goals are, the agency will be able to recommend the best option for creating this content. 

People should also look for content marketing agencies offering a good investment return. After all, the whole point of marketing is to make more profit. The agency should be able to show the client how they will make more profit in the future by using their services. 

4. Accountability

The agency should be willing to be held accountable for its actions. It means the professionals should be ready to answer any questions the client might have. They should also help show the client exactly what they have done to help them reach their goals.

One way of showing accountability is by staying open and transparent to clients. As digital marketing agencies, they should continue to inform and educate the clients on the steps they will take, regardless of their call or the client’s suggestions. Our approach is that there is a solution for everything and collaboration is key for our partnership. 


5. Business Acumen

The agency should have a great understanding of the client’s business. The experts should know how the business works, its goals, and its target market since all these factors come into play when planning for the best approach to marketing them.

If the agency cannot understand the client’s business, they will not be able to help them reach their goals. This is why it’s so essential for the agency to understand the client’s company and how it works.


Now that you know the top qualities to look for in an agency, you can be sure that you are hiring the best one for your business. Keep these qualities in mind when you are meeting with agencies and interviewing them. When you find an agency that has all of these qualities, you can be sure that you are in good hands and that they will help you reach your marketing goals.

In Front Marketing is a content marketing agency based in Calgary, offering digital marketing solutions to businesses needing help promoting their products or services online. We aim to make it easier for our clients to build a name on the internet by helping them boost campaigns to draw potential clients. Speak to our marketing consultants in Calgary today and get the most out of digital marketing now.

Advice To Turn A B2B Business Digital In 2022

The B2B sector has for a long time been one where face-to-face interactions, direct lines to your point of contact, and handshake deals were the best options for conducting business. And while there are still countless opportunities to be sought through these tried-and-true methods, the digital arena has impacted every area of the business world–including B2B marketing, lead generation, decision-making, and even the customer experience. 

Moving your B2B business into the digital space doesn’t have to be a daunting task, though. By building on a solid foundation of B2B marketing strategies and B2B sales tactics, you can begin to expand your digital footprint and amp up your lead generation efforts through the use of content marketing, SEO, PPC, social media, and more. 

We’ve brought together a full panel of B2B marketing experts and partners from our roster here at UpCity, and they’ve all combined their years of experience and new insights to offer B2B businesses like yours the best advice for diving into the digital arena and generating results. 

Digital Marketing For B2B Businesses–Start Simple

As with anything new that your business is trying to do, the best advice we can think of is to “start simple.” And that advice is especially true when you are trying to transition your B2B business—and your customers—into the digital space

“The biggest error I often see B2B businesses make is treating their online strategy and marketing tactics like they are designed for a different company. Your customers want to do business with you, so ask what you are doing offline that works, and apply the same action plan online.” –Law Smith, Fractional CMO at Tocobaga 

Going digital doesn’t mean abandoning the methods that have always worked for you. It can mean a need to ramp those touchpoints up as you introduce a digital marketing strategy.

“B2B marketing can require upwards of 25 touchpoints to reach a business owner. These touchpoints can be achieved through events, trade shows, cold calls, networking, social media, digital, and traditional advertising.” –Dave Taylor, Cofounder of In Front Marketing

“When going through a digital transformation in your company, it’s important to retain a personal touch. Resist the temptation to over-automate, or to make touchpoints impersonal. Every potential client that visits your site wants to feel that you can solve their unique issue and that you’re speaking directly to them.” –Brian Craig, Managing Partner at LegalScapes

As the saying goes, “you’ve got to walk before you can run.” And several of our experts wanted to remind B2B business operators not to rush the process of going digital. B2B purchasing decisions take time, and so do changes or additions to your marketing efforts. 

“Don’t rush into it, and show patience. There is always resistance to change, and not all partners will jump in right away. It will take time but (going digital) will be beneficial.” –Mohit Grover CEO of ESimplified Inc

“Don’t digitize just for the sake of it. It’s all too easy to purchase overhyped software tools or SaaS products that don’t move the right KPIs. Before doing anything, decide what areas of your business can be improved by digitization, then work back from there to decide what to invest in.” –John Hargan, Director at Velocity Digital LLC

Whether it’s in terms of developing your strategy as mentioned above or deciding what platforms and outlets to put your business on, everyone we spoke to recommended taking the time to consider and choose the approach that makes sense for your marketing team and your potential buyers

“Don’t spread yourself too thin when investing in new digital initiatives. Most businesses don’t have to be on every social media channel, every video-sharing platform, or in all of the marketplaces. Think of what makes sense for your business, target market, and customer base.”–Colton De Vos, Marketing Specialist at Resolute Technology Solutions 

On the other hand, our panelists also wanted to remind you not to shy away from places where your efforts make sense. Be sure to explore all sorts of outlets to understand where your pieces of content (like webinars, video marketing pieces, testimonials, and others) can have the most impact. 

“My real tip is to get your business name on as many platforms as possible. Not the paid platforms that many small businesses get approached by, but quality ones like UpCity that deliver value even when you choose a free listing option. Quality backlinks to your website not only help your Google rankings, but they legitimize your business and help you better serve the other small business owners that need your help.”  –Zach Springer, Website Designer at Springboard Website Designs  

Speaking of your business’ website, our experts agreed that much of your early energy, planning, and quality content development efforts need to be focused on the “home base.” In other words, don’t spend all that time and money on other places until your website is performing at its best. 

“Do more with your website, which can be a powerful marketing tool. Plus, all of your marketing efforts will lead back to it, so make sure you’re taking full advantage of that opportunity. Your website is completely owned by you which means your leads and traffic belong to you alone. So, thinking of ways to use your website to turn your business more digital will help you own your marketing and take advantage of having a more digital-driven business.” –Nick Leffler, Owner of Loclweb   

“When going digital, streamline your efforts into one optimized website with mobile capabilities instead of trying to manage multiple social media accounts, online promotions, and digital marketing campaigns across different platforms. These things can come later, but starting with a strong foundation will allow your current customers to seamlessly transition to an online space while you incorporate new strategies to increase your reach.” –Asad Kausar, CEO of Dabaran Inc.

Another tip we heard from several people was related to something you are probably already doing–email. While the website might be the first stop in your digital journey, email marketing can be an incredibly valuable (and uncomplicated) part of incorporating more digital options into your business. 

“Good email design doesn’t just mean visual appeal. It’s meant to help you build stronger relationships with your audience, sell more of your products, and improve your overall return on investment in email marketing. Most entrepreneurs can understand the process of ‘building an effective email following time-tested best practices,’ though, and this is a great place to start.” –Tom Kothman, Chief Strategist at Thomas Advisors LLC

Another piece of advice–keep your target audience in mind. And the best data available on your target audience? Your current customers. B2B companies may have smaller client bases, but the power of the relationships you forge and the amount of information you can learn are tremendous. 

“Don’t try to sell a stranger. That’s like asking someone to pick out the names of your future children before you even have your first date. Offer value in advance of those cold messages. Whether via email or LinkedIn, try to make a genuine, meaningful introduction, offer something they find valuable, and build a relationship.” –Jay Vics, Founder of JVI Mobile Marketing

And finally, our UpCity partners were adamant that going digital isn’t something that can be accomplished in a day. And it’s not something that you want to do only occasionally, either. 

“Going digital isn’t something you do for a few months. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Lean into it and work it every week, every month. If you stop, you’ll go back to the place you started, wasting all that time, effort, and money in the process.” –Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist at Square 2

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Social Media Marketing Strategies For B2B Marketing

Social media is one of the first things that people think about when it comes to digital marketing to potential customers. And there is tremendous value in social for B2B marketing. Whether you choose LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, or any combination of the available social media platforms, one of the keys to focus on is creating high-quality content. 

“It sounds like a broken record to remind you that podcasting is an excellent B2B marketing avenue. But as we head into 2023, podcasting remains strong because of how great it is at authentic networking with your target B2B buyers while also becoming an industry thought leader. Want to take it up a notch? Pull that content (or similar ideas recorded slightly differently) over to TikTok. It’s truly no longer just a teenager’s dancing platform anymore!” –Sarah Banowetz, Managing Partner at Banowetz Marketing   

As with any marketing effort, content is king. So whether you’re looking at video content, podcasting, influencer marketing, or anything else you would use on social media, always think about what your customers are going to relate to or look for, and make your content relate to their needs. 

“Making sales is a mark of success for any company, but as a small business owner, attracting customers into the sales cycle can be difficult. It can even be more challenging in the B2B (business-to-business) context. So actively listen to client feedback, and be sure to invest in a content marketing strategy that reaches your B2B customers.” –Mudassir Malik, CEO of PNM GROUP

Our panelists also keyed in on the importance of consistency. Your brand, your voice, and the type or types of information you provide on social media should offer a consistent portrait of your products, services, and your value as a B2B company. 

“Avoid inconsistency! Make sure to get a schedule in place for your posting and content. This way you’ll not only stay on track, but you’ll stay in front of your audience, a key element to converting them into paying customers and not just viewers.” –Ben Precious, CEO of Pace Social Media

SEO And Content Marketing Tips For Lead Generation

Going back to your “home base” that we talked about earlier—your business’ website—many of our experts offered a strong emphasis on SEO. For many companies who are moving into the digital realm, the most bang for your buck is found in optimization. From brand awareness to conversion rates, SEO can have the biggest impact on your entire digital strategy and results. 

“The number one thing B2B business owners should focus on is SEO. Ensure your business is easy to find online by increasing the number of positive reviews on Google and social media, optimizing your website for content and a great user experience, and acquiring backlinks via articles, blog posts, and online directories.” –Meg Mothershed, Co-owner and COO of Mothershed Design Co.

“The fastest way for B2B clients to capture eyes in the digital marketplace is by utilizing SEO and content marketing, followed by paid ads and social.” –Raminta, Owner of WFMA Marketing Agency

An area that gets overlooked when it comes to B2B websites, and one that is very important when it comes to digital impact, is making sure that your site works on mobile devices. Even B2B decision makers are using mobile for much of their buying and research, and your business could miss out on opportunities to connect with customers. 

“People are using their smartphones more than ever to do research, so you need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Just because you redesigned your website three or six months ago does not mean it meets today’s standards.” –Kevin Heimlich, CEO of The Ad Firm

The SEO approach has value beyond your website, too, according to our experts. Utilizing SEO tactics and incorporating what you learn into your content development helps to amplify your results and strengthen your presence across the full spectrum of digital media.  

“For your demand generation campaign, it’s best to focus on content marketing and a solid search engine optimization strategy. The idea is to secure quality website visitors that your content attracts, and use that content to show that you’re an authority in your subject and an expert who can be trusted.” –Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing

When it comes to content, you have a wide range of choices. But whatever pieces you believe will work best for your business and your B2B customers, be sure that your content has value and interest. 

“Content creation has become a foundational piece for any B2B business. Video tutorials, infographics, blog insights, and social tidbits are all key components in digital conversation. But many B2B businesses simply explain their services when creating content. Instead, understand your customer’s challenges and speak to how your company solves them.” –Zach Phillips, Co-Owner of McMillan & Phillips

And in your content development, don’t be afraid to show off what your business knows and provides. Especially in the B2B space, expertise is the most effective hook. 

“B2B leaders often fear that creating fully informed content will reveal too much information and make it unlikely that the prospect needs their help. In reality, most people hire your firm because they need the implementation that only you can provide. The information shared online helps them see you as an expert and understand the value you can provide.” –Krystal Covington, CMO at Go Lead Consulting 

Our experts also pointed out a couple of common mistakes that B2B business owners can make when moving into the digital space. First, and this is true for B2C companies as well, is to make sure that your assets are yours. Ownership of your digital assets is key in every part of digital marketing and advertising. 

“One of the biggest mistakes that small business owners make is not maintaining ownership of digital assets, with the biggest being domain ownership. Small business owners should always retain access and rights to their digital files, domain records, Google accounts, and email accounts, to name just a few. Handing these over to a developer or having someone else set them up could leave you in a position of losing the digital brand presence that you worked so hard to grow.” –Bianca Frank, Creative Director at Bianca Frank Design

The other mistake that our panelists warned of was to avoid trusting digital marketers or consultants just because they claim to be experts. They may have the expertise, but whether it applies to your business and your industry are much more important factor. 

“The biggest mistake we have seen with recent clients were putting their trust in new digital marketers. These days, everyone promotes themselves as an ‘expert’ or ‘guru,’ but that is rarely the case. Your website is the new brick-and-mortar, and your digital strategy is like picking the location. Investing in a powerful site that not only ranks but converts is one of the most important investments a business owner can make in 2023.” –Ari Martinez, Director of Operations at The Ad Firm

Data And Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Of course, effort in your digital marketing and sales is only part of the equation. The other part is data. Without data, you can’t fully understand what’s working, what isn’t, and how you can make improvements or take advantage of B2B marketing trends that further grow your business. 

“Use data to make better decisions. Data analytics can help you understand your customers better and make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. Make sure you’re collecting data from all your marketing channels and using it to guide your decisions” –Travis Lindemoen, Managing Director at nexus IT group

Don’t be afraid to mix things up and experiment, either. Every business is different, and every customer is different. So while you can make generalizations about some of your digital marketing efforts, the best method is still to try things, learn from them, and make adjustments. 

“As you begin to implement your digital marketing goals and strategies, be sure to commit to continuous experimentation and learning. This will allow you to keep your digital transformation efforts fresh, adaptive, and scalable.” –Navneet Kaushal, CEO of PageTraffic Inc.  

While experimentation is key, our panel of experts did warn against making changes too soon. It takes time to see what’s working and what isn’t, so B2B business owners need to resist the urge to make changes and modify things every day as results come in. 

“You need to set your ad campaign up and run it for 14 days without changes, then review the performance and make adjustments. It can normally take one to two months to fully understand the account and how things are performing.” –Peter Berson, Marketing Consultant at Aveli By WSI

Finally, data needs to be at the base of everything your company does, and that requires building a company culture that values asking questions, analyzing results, and optimizing your approach wherever possible. 

“Going digital is a long process for any company. And for that to happen successfully, you need to create an analytic foundation. It’s important to develop a data-driven culture that will help make business decisions. So support your data-first objectives with analytic tools, project management tools, SaaS tools, etc. This will help your business become more digital internally so that when you do advertise digitally you’ll have an easier time analyzing how effectively you are reaching more customers.” –Shan Serran, CEO and Founder of Veewz

Grow Your B2B Marketing Through Digital

While extensive, this is just a fraction of the advice provided by our expert panelists and partners here at UpCity. If your B2B business is beginning to make the transition to the digital space, or if you want to see how you can ramp up your digital efforts and find new avenues for growth, reach out to our extensive list of digital marketing consultants and providers. There is no shortage of help available, and you are sure to find a partner who understands your goals and can help guide you through the process.